Tanzanian Rose

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Posts direct from Tanzania during my 6 month study here.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Feedburner test

For those already subscribed to Amanda's blog, please excuse this message. I just got a bunch of photos on Sunday from A, and am testing the automation out. The pictures are posted on the blog... but now I'm just testing some of the details regarding automated notification and the pics.
Thanks for your patience!
The United $tate$ is $ending $650,000 over$ea$ every $ingle minute to import oil.
$olution$ are available now to improve our di$mal ga$ mileage.
Improving vehicle mileage need$ to be a national priority.




















Anna, Wendi, Erin, and Carli at Barbara Roast party

Amy and Amanda roomies

amy and carli
Received 2006-08-27 (ClicPic4LrgSz)

Friday, August 25, 2006


Hey Everyone!

Okay this will be semi short...well short for me :) cause the computers are really busy and I am going to let Erin use this one.

We just got back from our vacation time. It was AMAZING! One of those trips where you look back later and go wow..I did so many things that I would never have done before.

We started by going to Lushoto in the mountains. The drive there was amazing..so beautiful! We were mobbed by a group of men at the bus station..kind of scary..I was so protective I actually pushed a guy's hand off my friend..I didn't know I was so tough :)

The lady next to us on the bus had a live hen in a bag that kept sticking its head out and pecking around! It was pretty sweet! We got to the Monestary where we were staying and met some nice nuns and had a tour. Then one nun took me and my friend Carli and had us drink homemade banana wine with her and two other nuns! It was awesome but the wine was really strong, so there Carli and I sat, laughing hysterically, drinking wine, and watching TV in Swahilli with three nuns!

The next two days we went hiking...amazing. The first day we hiked 20 km..all day and saw this amazing lookout at the top of the mountain. We also met lots of nice women on the hikes through the villages and we ate lots of fresh fruit :)

The next day we did another hike and we drove through the rainforest. Then we moved on to Tanga. We met a rastafari man named David who was our guide. He was so nice! He took us on bikes to some caves..it was so cool to ride a bike across the Tanzanian countryside! Then he took me on a motorcycle ride around town and then another one on the way to dinner. It was pretty sweet riding a motorcycle as the sunset over the Indian Ocean :) I blame Kristin for this though :) because I was like I have to ride with him just so I can tell her about it!! Then we ate dinner next to the ocean. The next day we came back to the University for a night.

Then we went to Zanzibar on Friday morning. We missed the good ferry so we had to take the one nicknamed the dying horse :) but it wasn't bad at all. Then we toured Stonetown and got henna tatoos done :) I love mine by the way! Then we saw some traditional dancing and music and I actually danced in a restaurant in front of people..though my hips move too fast I guess..I blame those dancing nights at Roscoes :) On Saturday we went on the spice tour...okay..but VERY touristy..the most white people we have seen in 5 weeks!

On Sunday we went to the beach and stayed at a Rastafari place. The people were amazing. The place was so cute too. They had reggee music playing in the background and at night they sat around the fire playing drums, singing, dancing, and smoking pot..yeah they were Rastafari people! But the first night the rest of the girls went to sleep so I stayed up and they tried to teach me to play the drums and I danced with them and a traditional dancer from the mainland came over and we watched him.

Then the next day I went snorkling with Carli. It was cool. We went out in a boat without a motor, that could only fit one person across and the two guys with us had to put sticks in the water to make the boat move! The water and the coral was beautiful..though this was my first time so I didn't know how to use the mouth thing so for awhile I was inhaling alot of salt water! But I finally caught on :) I was so proud of myself!!

Then we came back. Now we are all busy trying to register for classes. It is pretty crazy..you go around campus and you don't know when the class really meets or if you can take it. But I am trying to take: Intro to dance, Societal Structures of Tanzanian Societies, Culture Health and Society, and Philosophy of Religion. We should be moving to another dorm soon too..but we don't know when of course :)

Today was international orientation..interesting! Basically we were told don't trust anyone..then after the security guard gave us his number he goes..including me! We were like..um..thanks :) But it was cool to meet some of the other students and hear about things around campus.

Everything has been going really well but we have had a few incidents. The night we got back from vacation, four girls were attacked/mugged at knife point right outside our dorm at 8:30 pm. It was terrifying because we could hear them screaming and we had just gotten back to the dorm 30-60 minutes before it happened. Everyone was really shook up and crying and everything. I know I was really scared as many of you know...because my dear parents weren't home :) and I started calling everyone in my cellphone! And the night before that some drunk guy who doesn't go here anymore made his way into our dorm and wouldn't leave because he was harrassing students. That also sounded pretty scary but we weren't back for that event.

Otherwise everything is going well! Thanks again for all the cards and email and everything. I miss everyone a lot and I wish I could just call all of you :) Hope everything is going well with you guys! Talk to you soon!


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Now you can "subscribe" to Amanda's Tanzanian blog/newsletters

Hello all and excuse me for "inviting" myself into your email box. However, since you are all on this list from Amanda regarding her blog posts... just wanted to update you on different ways you can get them in a simpler fashion. For example... with these methods, you don't have to be on her list and/or don't have to ever wonder if you missed any, because these are automatic.

If you go to www.manited.net you will see a "New Updates" box on the left side in green. There is a spot where you can enter your email address and after you do that, you will be "subscribed" to Amanzania (Tanzanian Rose.) When she posts... you get it. Simple. Clean. No forgetting.

Or... if you use Firefox (who doesn't use Firefox vs. IE???) you can add a "Live Bookmark" (RSS feed) by doing the following:

1) Click on "bookmarks"
2) Click on "Manage bookmarks"
3) In the new window that opens click on "File"
4) Click on "New Live Bookmark"
5) In the Name field, enter your description... for example "Tanzanian Rose" or "Amanda's Blog" or anything you like.
6) In the Feed Location field, enter this: http://amanzania.blogspot.com/atom.xml
7) Click "OK"
8) Then this Live Bookmark will show all her posts... in the bookmark section rather than the OLD fashioned, static bookmarks (favorites for you IE nerds :))
9) If you want to take it one step further... right click on the new feed you just created and select "Copy"
10) Close the "Bookmark Manager"
11) In Firefox... hold your mouse over the Bookmarks Toolbar (directly below the address bar/line) right click and select "Paste"

Now the RSS feed is live and available any time you click on it... making it simple and fast to see if she's posted lately.

You can also use the atom feed in your newsreader.

If all this is greek, please accept my apologies. If you want to try, but have questions, lemme know and I'll give it a go (with helping you.)

Good luck and enjoy the news from Amanda... any way you want!

We're also working on getting pictures posted on her blog (http://amanzania.blogspot.com) also... hopefully that comes together in the near future.


Saturday, August 12, 2006

random stories from Tanzania!

Hey Everyone!

So this will be a quick email before I leave for my two week travel time tomorrow!!!! My group is going hiking in the mountains and to the beach to swim in the ocean. Yeah, it should be amazing :) Sorry..this email is really just a bunch of random stories and events!

Everything has been going pretty well but one of my friends on the trip passed out and hit her head on the cement floor and cracked her head open a few weeks ago. It was pretty bad but she recovered really really quickly and is doing really well now!

Our floor...the sober floor of the dorm...:) has broken a sink...Leah was dancing...a shower water dance! and she fell on it and the entire sink shattered! We have also broken the toliet seat cover. A few days ago, I broke my mosquito net and after fixing it and being very proud, I accidentally locked ALL my keys in my closet! Can we say oops??? Luckily (and also kind of scary) our doors don't lock well and Anna and me were able to unscrew the entire lock and get my keys back out. My roomie Amy has also been able to pick our outdoor room lock! Yeah...something to think about :)

A few days ago I was waking up and Amy was talking to a guy outside our window...yes..it's pretty easy I guess to walk along the outside of the building! But luckily he was just coming to wake-up Zack!

Last night we had a dance party on the roof! It was the most amazing night EVER! Just imagine 20-30 American students dancing and singing on a roof in Tanzania under the moon/stars/sky while looking at the city lights. It was incredible! (though maybe not as good as those Backstreet Boy dance parties at Luther :)) But we were just hanging out with all these students singing songs like "ain't no mountain high enough" :)

We have been so busy. I have had no time to type or journal it seems! I started teaching at the local primary school. The students are adorable. I am teaching them English. I am the sole teacher for my class but there is a woman that comes and watches and helps the students understand things. So far I have taught them opposites and sang songs with them. It was cute because I saw one of my students outside the daladala and he was like hello teacher!

The university is good. We lost power last night and we had no water for awhile at the same time. That was interesting but fun because it all came back on and then we had our dance party! Also we had accidentally turned our sink faucet on when the water was off and when we got back to dinner, the water had come back on..so there was water gushing out of the building (there are holes in the side of the building to let water out) and we were like..hmmm..that looks like our floor! When we got to the bathroom the whole floor was covered in water, but we took a broom and swept the water out!

Our group is still doing well too. Even after a month we can still hang out which is good! We were all pretty sad to have to say goodbye for our travel time because we have been together 24-7 for the past month! It was cute, everyone was almost crying last night saying goodbye!

I definitely think about everyone back home a lot! Its cool because I will see something and think of one of you and have to tell a story. So I am sure that some of you are already "known" by my friends here!

A few days ago there was a revival church thing going on here and Pastor Isaac found me on the way to class and wanted to know if I was a born again Christian and if I was I could join the family and be with them. Yeah...:) luckily I had to get going!

Oh yeah..there are SO many cats around campus...SCARY! :) I am trying to be brave and not freak out like I do at Luther..but it is hard and another girl in my dorm just got scratched by one..EEK! But at least there are lots of monkeys to look at too!

Okay...that's all for now. Keep the emails coming :) I love them!!! And the snail mail has been amazing too! You have no idea how exciting it is to get a letter...i got two yesterday and I made everyone at the table listen to me talk about them :) Even this guy Mark who I had just met!! Anyways..I will write when I get back from traveling probably. That is also when classes start!! Love and miss you all!!


Monday, August 07, 2006


Dear Everyone,
This was going to be an email from the past few weeks so I wouldn't forget everything! And I meant to send it later..but everytime I try and save it, it gets deleted cause Webmail doesn't work too well here..so I will just send it now I guess!
We moved into the dorms...we will move again later when school starts...they are pretty nice. They are bigger then the rooms at Luther which is pretty sweet! I am staying with Amy Flunker from Luther now. She is amazing. We get along really well. The roof of our dorm is a walk out one which is amazing because you can see the whole campus and the city a little bit in the distance.
We have two beds, two flat tables/desks, a small bookshelf, and mosquito nets. The first day here the showers didn't work at all so everyone had to take a bucket shower (luckily I don't feel the need to shower everyday even at home :)) Then the water in the sinks stopped working...that was a little scary...:) but now they are going pretty well. I have taken two real showers..with real water in the shower area. It is crazy how things change..even though the shower was freezing last night it made me SO HAPPY..one of the best moments yet cause it actually worked!
All ten of us share a bathroom which is funny. Zack being the only boy with us likes to sing in the bathroom and blow his nose in the sink :) It's really funny. I feel a little bad for him always being surrounded by all girls but I don't think he minds too much. We have met a lot of other American students who live in our dorm. They all seem really nice and friendly.
Exciting drama...two nights ago i got bit by something in the bathroom...we have bugs, lizards and what not crawling around..and my leg started to burn for awhile. That finally stopped and I had a huge bit mark..the next night it had formed into two bigger bite marks..the next day..my entire back leg (around 7-9 inch diameter) was covered with a bite mark that kept spreading and itching. Now I've been told it was a poisonous African bee. No worries though I guess..it spreads cause the poison is spreading in your body but then after a few days it goes away..and it has started too so that's awesome :)
We have been into Dar a few times now. It is really fun..HUGE and busy but a lot of fun. Yesterday we split into groups of 2-3 and explored. Today we got an email from the US embassy telling us there is a Muslim protest in town today against Israel and it may turn into an anti-American protest so we are advised to stay away. But that's cool cause today is our only afternoon free so far and we all just want to email and hang out till this dinner party tonight.
Swahili classes have begun..today was our first test..eekk :) It wasn't horrible...it was a lot easier then I thought it would be though I couldn't do some parts. I am not the best at the language yet and now the teacher knows that so she likes to randomly ask me questions and I am like..please no...hapana (no) :) But I am learning a lot and slowly improving which is all that matters :)
I found the Post office today. That was exciting. I saw five baboons around campus yesterday and one tried to jump on our group. It was awesome!!! I LOVE baboons and monkeys. No one else seems to like them..they think they are ugly..but they aren't :) I guess they like to chase people sometimes which is hilarious..especially cause I got my rabies shot :)
We have been eating amazing food every night almost..and will till our leaders fly back to the states next Wednesday then our food selection may diminish a lot :) We have had Ethiopian and Indian food and on Saturday we are eating pizza which makes us all very happy! And August the 8th is a National holiday apparently so no swahili or anything. I think we are going to the beach!!!! Did I mention..i LOVE the ocean..it is so beautiful! And we finally got our cell phones..which is really exciting! And I forgot to bring my number to the lab..so I will email that sometime soon if I remember :) Also my parents have it if anyone really needs it.
Thanks for all the replies! It is really fun hearing about everything back home...so keep writing A LOT :) Sorry if I don't respond or it takes a long time..the internet is pretty crazy here but just know i love reading them!
I will write more later if anything exciting happens!
Love and miss you all alot! And I hear Minnesota has had temps in the 100's in some places???? crazy! Hope you are all staying cool..and those Albert Lea people-I hope you guys have fun at the fair!!!! Get lots of pictures for me to look at and sing super loud and try and meet the guys again this year...I am counting on you guys to say hi to Blake and Joe for me :)
And good luck/have fun to everyone doing relay for life..I will probably write before that but maybe not a mass email..so if I don't..have a great time and I wish I could be there to help again!