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Posts direct from Tanzania during my 6 month study here.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Quick Update (Sept 26)

Hey Everyone!

Okay...quick update!

We are now on power rations on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays we have no lights, no computers :( and sometimes on the other days we do have power..somtimes the key word :) this is okay but it just makes emailing and responding and doing my research paper for the program a little hard :)But that is also why this needs to be a quick I will continue!

Classes are going well..well they are interesting..yesterday we got our first paper back in one class and then the prof spent an hour telling us we need to use the harvard citation one has heard of it and it does exist in Australia apparently..but we are all pretty sure he was just making stuff up!

Class today for philosophy..well..there are no rooms for I stood the whole hour..trying to listen to the nun who speaks VERY quietly and in swahili randomly..yeah :) good times..the three white people in the class just look at each other and go...hmmm..whats going on??? but its cool..

Dance is going well..we danced for two straight hours last week..very awesome but tiring! Wendi and me showed the dance to Carly and she laughed hysterically..not sure if the dance is funny or if we are bad dancers :)

Went to the beach this past Sunday..very awesome! We all got really fried but it was fun and beautiful!!!

I am becoming friends with Amy's roommate Irene who is adorable and is helping us with cultural differences..which we will address here :) mom and dad..this might be a i have a Tanzania boyfriend now..Rutta..he is very cute and the problem..things here mean different things then in America..and there is no liking here..just love..and Irene is telling me that not only are we boyfriend/girlfriend now but that he loves me and he wants me to meet his dad because that is how they do it here..he needs to get approval if i am the right girl to marry...CRAZY...i know..

no worries..i am NOT getting married and i do NOT love him..but i do like him a lot and we will have another talk to today after we eat lunch together about those differences..but so far he is super sweet besides the fact that most people who are together here sleep together so we had to have a very long talk about that too and how that won't be happening..but he is sweet and he is helping me learn more swahili. He likes to say he will only speak swahili like today and then he will go but this will be hard for you! Last night he told me that I am very bad at swahili :) and on Friday we were only messaging in swahili and I needed Amy to help me understand what he was saying and he goes..i knew you had help..I knew those words were too complicated for you! But we will see what happens..right now..I figure he is nice so we can keep hanging out and Irene likes to help me a lot :)

What else is don't think anything is good..a little stressful with no computers around really and no books to read for classes and stuff like that..but its been fun and we are reaching the half way mark!!! so crazy!! We have some friends from another American group who will be away from the university now until 3 weeks before we go back and we are like oh gosh the next time we see you guys we are going home!!!

It is super hot here...SUPER HOT..did I mention..SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER hot..:) yeah...and we have no water!!! We told Irene we would set up a pully system from the 8th floor with a rope so we don't have to walk all the stairs!!

Oh yeah..I am trying to become a counselor on campus and work one on one with students..and i have been approved and tomorrow will have another meeting but I am still not sure..cause the swahili is a problem and the lady said its okay and we can still try and we will be fine but cara the other girl doing it with me and me are are really bad at swahili though! So hopefully it all works out!

Everynight we all watch a soap opera that is from the phillipines..its hillarious!!! Oh funny..and the songs here are goes..i wish i was the saliva in your mouth so i could touch your lips whenever i funny! Amy and me are going to put together a CD with those songs for when we get back so you can all hear them!!! Okay..well this is getting long and I have nothing else to say :) and i must do actual work now..ughh..but I love you all A TON and I miss you all A TON and I will keep emailing and responding it might take a while though!!!!



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