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Posts direct from Tanzania during my 6 month study here.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Quick Update

Dear Everyone,

So I don't even know what to say! It has been a crazy few weeks. We moved into our final dorm. There was a lot of drama with that because all the Americans got the nice dorm and the Europeans were moved to our old dorm with flea and cockroaches. But, this happened apparently because the American groups have been here longer. Who knows, but for the first few days, the Europeans wouldn't talk to us and if they did, they would go, you are the snobby Americans right? But at least now we know what was biting us in our beds before in their dorm!!! (fleas)

Our new dorm is amazing though. We have four rooms per floor. I live on the top floor (8) between Wendi and Amy, which is awesome because they are my best friends here so it worked out perfectly! Then we have one girl from Boston at the end of the hall named Julia. She is nice too, though semi-bipolar so she likes to drink and swear/scream for a few hours a night so no one without earplugs can sleep. But, no worries I have earplugs :)And the view is amazing. We can see the Indian Ocean!!!

My roommate moved in. She is a third year political science major named Lugano. She is adorable and sweet but she has a boyfriend of five years who lives off campus so I don't think I will see her much which is sad. She has only stayed in the room one night out of 3 or 4 so far. She has also put vinyl flooring down and vinyl stuff for our shelves because everyone here is very organized and clean. The roommates have been cleaning peoples' beds and washing the floors. Amy's roommate moved in last night and she has a TV and a boombx!!! We are all very excited :) We were playing her only CD earlier today..celine dion :)

Today we finally signed up for classes...i am taking...drum roll please :) beginning kiswahilli..yes beginner :) i still need a lot of help! philosophy of religion..with an adorable nun! society culture and health..the man I see almost everyday who now calls me by name wherever we are.. intro to dance

I am pretty excited. I am getting friendly with my profs already :) Basically I am the white girl with all the questions so they see me a lot and now they know me by name! My dance class met yesterday and my small group has to do pole dancing...we will see how that goes! We are supposed to have this huge recital at the end of Dec for our final which would be awesome because we make our own costumes too..BUT..we realized today that our director didn't have the right info and finals are not done Dec 9th and we should not be leaving on the 11th but finals go to Dec 22nd...SO...we aren't sure what to do. This normally happens but this year we were told it would be different and now we have alot of stuff to think about.

Things have been good though. We all went through one week of pure culture shock..wasn't fun! Basically we all just wanted to come home but things are better now and we are dealing with it! My friend Wendi got malaria and then a blood infection so we have been taking care of her for awhile..and we have been to the hospital a few times..poor thing..she has been on bed rest for over 1.5 weeks i think...

It is really hot here..REALLY hot..and our water wasn't working for the past two no showers :) but i think its working now again which would be awesome. I am at this computer lab in Mwenge with Julia right now and there are tons of people waiting so I need to get off soon. Otherwise things are good. We might try and go to this party tonight at a local hotel. They are supposed to have bongo flava music which would be cool. Next week we are getting clothes tailored. I am sooo excited about that! Okay well..that wasn't a whole lot and there is so much to say :) but I am off for now..most of you are just waking up :) but it is late afternoon here..we might go search for a radio next..that would be AMAZING..because i have no roomie really and no music :) Miss you all!!! And later I will send an email about subscribing to my blog if you want to. I just don't have time to look it up right now but Clinton said that would be cool.

Talk to you guys later!



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