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Posts direct from Tanzania during my 6 month study here.

Friday, October 27, 2006

I'm Still Alive!

Dear Everyone,

Sorry I haven't been keeping in touch! But I am alive since that seems to be the question everyone is asking me :) And I am doing amazing!

So what is new? Well, honestly I don't remember and even if I did it would take me years to explain everything. But classes are going well. I haven't had a lot of homework which is amazing. I have had one test and two papers total in all my classes! Dance class is going well. We sweat alot :) and we are doing pretty well. Our performance will be December 8th if anyone just happens to be in Tanzania at that time! But they tape us so I will try and buy a tape to bring home and I will have Rutta take pictures maybe!

Philosophy is good. The nun is funny as usual. She likes to point out the three white kids at least once every class. Sometimes she refers to us as the two white kids so we aren't sure who isn't included! Though they think its me cause I am the darkest :)

Society, Culture, and Health is good. We have had one test and its been fun. Swahili is also going well. Its been fun because two of my best American friends Sam (he is from the east coast) and Cara (also from east coast) are in it so we have a lot of fun!

The dorms have been good. We didn't have water for almost a month BUT then we had it for awhile and it even lasted a week this time but now it is out again! Oh well I was able to wash a few things at least! The power situation has been getting worse thats why I can't keep in touch really. Some days no power and usually the power goes out for a few hours everyday and when and if if ever comes back the computer labs are packed! But its been fun.

We haven't had classes this week really because we were celebrating the Muslim holiday. My friends and me didn't go anywhere but it was still fun to be off of school! We have also had a lot of people turning 21 so we have been busy celebrating! This weekend two of my friends here turn 21 so we are going to the beach the whole weekend. We will see how that goes...I heard something about flame shots???? :)

Rutta is very good! We are still has been 1.5 months now I think. He is super sweet and funny and cute...yeah I like him a lot :) I might go and visit his childhood home and dad next weekend or else sometime soon it looks like. His brother is coming from America this weekend and will be here for a month so he is really excited to see him. He is really scared of heights and I live on the 8th floor so I have been trying to help him get over that by forcing him to stand on our balcony! He is doing really well though and he says I have to take the balcony back with me because it will make him to sad to see it when I leave! :)

The weather here is soooooo hot...did i mention it was sooooo hot??? really it kind of sucks cause I hate the heat and I miss snow and fall and cold weather but the beach should cure that :)

The girls were looking at my pictures from home and apparently Eric they think you are pretty cute so if you want a Tanzanian girlfriend I could get you one :) I tried to hook Micah and Tyler up but they thought they were too white for their tastes!

What else? Tonight we might be going to a beatuy pageant on campus. It should be pretty sweet! Life has been good. My floor is amazing and honestly..CRAZY!!! Last night Amy's roommate came back after break and was going crazy running around and dancing and singing the wedding song saying I was getting married to Rutta and telling me that I was using up all the water with my shower though I was taking a bucket shower :) It was pretty fun!

Life is a little stressful because we all miss home and know we only have a few more days..well..40 left here which is sad because who knows when or if we will ever get back and no one wants to say goodbye but its going well. We are all a little stressed out about our research projects for home with the little computer access and I need to do that soon but I am writing to all of you lovely people first :) Also we need to start registering for classes back home so that is a little stressful!

I am a little bummed about missing my b-day and man..really that is my favorite holiday so everyone eat tons of mashed potatoes and gravy and stuffing for good!!! Sorry I haven't been emailing so much but I miss you all tons and love you all lots. Happy late b-day Samo!!! And Dani Happy Birthday on Sunday and congrats for everything and Lisa congrats!!! and I love you all!!!! Hope everything is going well you guys and I will see you guys soon! Thanks for all the letters and I will try and respond soon!!



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