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Posts direct from Tanzania during my 6 month study here.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Someone is coming home :)

Dec 17, 2006 11:57 AM
subject: Someone is coming home :)

Dear Everyone,

Just thought I would say because I have a few minutes now...just waiting with the other people for our pizza to be delivered...yeah it is a different life here in South and movies and hot water...I don't even know what to say really...oh yeah and internet...CRAZY

I left Tanzania on Monday. Wow, I was so sad that is all I can say. Thomas and Rutta took me to the airport which was nice but everything happened so fast I barely got to say goodbye which was sad. Then my flight didnt leave for a few hours and I started crying in the airport and people just stared at me :) whats wrong with you?? I was like..I'm sad...

Then my visa ran out in October for Tanzania so I was staying illegally in the country which is a problem I guess :) the guy said I couldn't read and stuff but finally let me through without paying a huge fine. The flight was really to South Africa..caught my next flight...empty movies :( slept alot..still pretty sad..couldn't to namibia..the lady said I needed to know the address where I was idea..had to find miller..finally left the airpot :)

namibia was okay...but I was so sad and everything I saw was desert and I swear there are no people there...NONE at least compared to TZ so I didn't like that..stayed at Miller's friends place...pretty nice..two other people came for the night...still couldn't eat but miller made me grilled cheese..kind of :)

next day went into the hot..went to an internet place and a craft market...okay..still couldn't eat and would cry randomly..:) got back..played cards with his friends..then took a 12 hour train to Miller's site...longest ride of my life :)

got there hiked in the sun with my bad for awhile..saw his place and showered...walked another 2 km thought I was going to die :) found a ride at the hitchhiking place..he was to Miller's friends place...went to an AIDS program and hung out there. The girl made stir fry which was wonderful!

Then the next day another friend came and the three of us hitchhiked for 24 hours with a crazy man in a semi truck to get to South says the guy wasn't sketchy but he was :) He was racist and homophobic and he smoked every 5 min and liked to tell us how he had been hijacked 4 times by gunpoint on the road we were on...finally got to Joberg...

Hung out at the of cool people..met some new guy named brian who is from the US but he had been in TZ for 6 weeks. He was awesome and we talked for hours and hung out. Also some nice guys from New Zealand were here. Brian made me pasta for dinner..wonderful! Watched a movie...

Next day Brian and me went to a game park and saw giraffes...SO EXCITING...that was the only animal I didn't see in TZ that I wanted to see so I was was almost like a zoo..BUT..I saw my giraffe!!!! Then played some tennis and hung out

Today I went with this guy named Austin from Norway and Miller to the Apartheid Museum and to Nelson Mandelas house and stuff...really cool...long day though but fun and now we are waiting for some pizza...yummy! but we leave tomorrow night and get home tuesday afternoon :) Quite exciting I know..I had an amazing 5 months and I wish I could still be in TZ BUT since I can't cause of that little visa problem :) I am ready to come home cause Namibia isn't for me and the people in the peace corps I am with don't time...write more later..



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