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Posts direct from Tanzania during my 6 month study here.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Dear Everyone,
This was going to be an email from the past few weeks so I wouldn't forget everything! And I meant to send it later..but everytime I try and save it, it gets deleted cause Webmail doesn't work too well I will just send it now I guess!
We moved into the dorms...we will move again later when school starts...they are pretty nice. They are bigger then the rooms at Luther which is pretty sweet! I am staying with Amy Flunker from Luther now. She is amazing. We get along really well. The roof of our dorm is a walk out one which is amazing because you can see the whole campus and the city a little bit in the distance.
We have two beds, two flat tables/desks, a small bookshelf, and mosquito nets. The first day here the showers didn't work at all so everyone had to take a bucket shower (luckily I don't feel the need to shower everyday even at home :)) Then the water in the sinks stopped working...that was a little scary...:) but now they are going pretty well. I have taken two real showers..with real water in the shower area. It is crazy how things change..even though the shower was freezing last night it made me SO of the best moments yet cause it actually worked!
All ten of us share a bathroom which is funny. Zack being the only boy with us likes to sing in the bathroom and blow his nose in the sink :) It's really funny. I feel a little bad for him always being surrounded by all girls but I don't think he minds too much. We have met a lot of other American students who live in our dorm. They all seem really nice and friendly.
Exciting drama...two nights ago i got bit by something in the bathroom...we have bugs, lizards and what not crawling around..and my leg started to burn for awhile. That finally stopped and I had a huge bit mark..the next night it had formed into two bigger bite marks..the next entire back leg (around 7-9 inch diameter) was covered with a bite mark that kept spreading and itching. Now I've been told it was a poisonous African bee. No worries though I spreads cause the poison is spreading in your body but then after a few days it goes away..and it has started too so that's awesome :)
We have been into Dar a few times now. It is really fun..HUGE and busy but a lot of fun. Yesterday we split into groups of 2-3 and explored. Today we got an email from the US embassy telling us there is a Muslim protest in town today against Israel and it may turn into an anti-American protest so we are advised to stay away. But that's cool cause today is our only afternoon free so far and we all just want to email and hang out till this dinner party tonight.
Swahili classes have was our first test..eekk :) It wasn't was a lot easier then I thought it would be though I couldn't do some parts. I am not the best at the language yet and now the teacher knows that so she likes to randomly ask me questions and I am like..please no...hapana (no) :) But I am learning a lot and slowly improving which is all that matters :)
I found the Post office today. That was exciting. I saw five baboons around campus yesterday and one tried to jump on our group. It was awesome!!! I LOVE baboons and monkeys. No one else seems to like them..they think they are ugly..but they aren't :) I guess they like to chase people sometimes which is hilarious..especially cause I got my rabies shot :)
We have been eating amazing food every night almost..and will till our leaders fly back to the states next Wednesday then our food selection may diminish a lot :) We have had Ethiopian and Indian food and on Saturday we are eating pizza which makes us all very happy! And August the 8th is a National holiday apparently so no swahili or anything. I think we are going to the beach!!!! Did I mention..i LOVE the is so beautiful! And we finally got our cell phones..which is really exciting! And I forgot to bring my number to the I will email that sometime soon if I remember :) Also my parents have it if anyone really needs it.
Thanks for all the replies! It is really fun hearing about everything back keep writing A LOT :) Sorry if I don't respond or it takes a long time..the internet is pretty crazy here but just know i love reading them!
I will write more later if anything exciting happens!
Love and miss you all alot! And I hear Minnesota has had temps in the 100's in some places???? crazy! Hope you are all staying cool..and those Albert Lea people-I hope you guys have fun at the fair!!!! Get lots of pictures for me to look at and sing super loud and try and meet the guys again this year...I am counting on you guys to say hi to Blake and Joe for me :)
And good luck/have fun to everyone doing relay for life..I will probably write before that but maybe not a mass if I don't..have a great time and I wish I could be there to help again!


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