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Posts direct from Tanzania during my 6 month study here.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The last email...duh duh duh

date: Dec 17, 2006 12:49 PM
subject: The last email...duh duh duh

okay...sorry about that but Austin came in and said pizza was of course I had to run :) The pizza was good...though maybe not the best least two days in a row because I haven't had lots of dairy in 5 months and last night I felt really sick..and now I feel sick again..:) oops...oh well...

lets see...yes so I don't know what else to say...

I am excited to show everyone my pictures and stuff...I am sure Miller will be happy for me to have other people around cause I keep making him look at things..I will be like now this is Rutta isn't he a cutie...:) Oh yeah so funny...last night at dinner, Miller and me were hanging out with some people from England and the US and this guy thought that we were siblings and we said no and he goes..oh u are ex lovers aren't u...OH MY GOSH FUNNY :) Miller and me just looked at each other and said NO NO NO..:) not at all..and everyone was was a little awkward! South Africa has been I said in the other email :) I was really sad and I know I still will be for a long time probably but I was crying a lot and couldn't eat anything for 3 days but now I can eat and I don't cry all the time which is good :)

But South Africa is alot like the US so I don't really like it and it is super dangerous here in Joberg..but oh was fun while it lasted.

The past five months have flown by..I can't believe its over...I don't know what to say or think..I LOVE Tanzania and everyone I met there..I don't know what to tell everyone besides the past five months were amazing..the best five months of my life. Some days were hard and I was pushed to new limits and saw new things about myself..some good and a lot bad too..but I learned so much and for once I was out of my shell and that was really good for me..I met amazing people, I fell in love, I tried new things, I was adventurous..I can't wait to come back..I am already planning on coming back either next December/January if my roomie gets married or else in June for Rutta's birthday maybe..we will see...especially since the parents just found out about those plans in this email :) But I think it could work out! Anything is possible.

It was cool to see Miller again..hes a cool was just weird though cause they are older then me and they all wanted to talk about peace corp moments but it was a good was cool because I was crying (again) :) about how I don't know when I will see Rutta and Lugano again and Miller said I shouldn't cry or be sad because I should feel lucky because I was able to meet these amazing people in another country and most people aren't that lucky..and for those few months they were apart of my life and it was cool..good advice..though lets be honest, I will cry alot still :)

Everyone keeps talking about what it will be like to get home and I don't know what to think...I'mn ready I think but it will be rough and hard and sad and happy and crazy...hopefully cold too :) Which reminds me..parents if you read should bring a winter coat for me to the airport :) last night away from the US...I'm sure it will be exciting..:) not really...right now 15 people are crowed into the living/computer room watching a movie in silence really...we are big partiers :) But I love you all so much and its almost christmas time WOW..well the next time I talk to or see most of you it should be in the US...I'm coming don't know what to think...

Have a great night people still in Africa or my Emo in Europe :) which by the way..I met a girl here who is from Nottingham :) small world! But have a good day to all of you people in the US and I miss ya guys and I can't wait to see you guys and hear all about the last five months and what I missed!



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