Tanzanian Rose

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Posts direct from Tanzania during my 6 month study here.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The last email...duh duh duh

date: Dec 17, 2006 12:49 PM
subject: The last email...duh duh duh

okay...sorry about that but Austin came in and said pizza was here..so of course I had to run :) The pizza was good...though maybe not the best idea..at least two days in a row because I haven't had lots of dairy in 5 months and last night I felt really sick..and now I feel sick again..:) oops...oh well...

lets see...yes so I don't know what else to say...

I am excited to show everyone my pictures and stuff...I am sure Miller will be happy for me to have other people around cause I keep making him look at things..I will be like now this is Rutta isn't he a cutie...:) Oh yeah so funny...last night at dinner, Miller and me were hanging out with some people from England and the US and this guy thought that we were siblings and we said no and he goes..oh u are ex lovers aren't u...OH MY GOSH FUNNY :) Miller and me just looked at each other and said NO NO NO..:) not at all..and everyone was laughing..it was a little awkward! South Africa has been okay..like I said in the other email :) I was really sad and I know I still will be for a long time probably but I was crying a lot and couldn't eat anything for 3 days but now I can eat and I don't cry all the time which is good :)

But South Africa is alot like the US so I don't really like it and it is super dangerous here in Joberg..but oh well..it was fun while it lasted.

The past five months have flown by..I can't believe its over...I don't know what to say or think..I LOVE Tanzania and everyone I met there..I don't know what to tell everyone besides the past five months were amazing..the best five months of my life. Some days were hard and I was pushed to new limits and saw new things about myself..some good and a lot bad too..but I learned so much and for once I was out of my shell and that was really good for me..I met amazing people, I fell in love, I tried new things, I was adventurous..I can't wait to come back..I am already planning on coming back either next December/January if my roomie gets married or else in June for Rutta's birthday maybe..we will see...especially since the parents just found out about those plans in this email :) But I think it could work out! Anything is possible.

It was cool to see Miller again..hes a cool guy..it was just weird though cause they are older then me and they all wanted to talk about peace corp moments but it was a good time..it was cool because I was crying (again) :) about how I don't know when I will see Rutta and Lugano again and Miller said I shouldn't cry or be sad because I should feel lucky because I was able to meet these amazing people in another country and most people aren't that lucky..and for those few months they were apart of my life and it was cool..good advice..though lets be honest, I will cry alot still :)

Everyone keeps talking about what it will be like to get home and I don't know what to think...I'mn ready I think but it will be rough and hard and sad and happy and crazy...hopefully cold too :) Which reminds me..parents if you read this...you should bring a winter coat for me to the airport :) Well...my last night away from the US...I'm sure it will be exciting..:) not really...right now 15 people are crowed into the living/computer room watching a movie in silence really...we are big partiers :) But I love you all so much and its almost christmas time WOW..well the next time I talk to or see most of you it should be in the US...I'm coming home...wow...I don't know what to think...

Have a great night people still in Africa or my Emo in Europe :) which by the way..I met a girl here who is from Nottingham :) small world! But have a good day to all of you people in the US and I miss ya guys and I can't wait to see you guys and hear all about the last five months and what I missed!


Someone is coming home :)

Dec 17, 2006 11:57 AM
subject: Someone is coming home :)

Dear Everyone,

Just thought I would say because I have a few minutes now...just waiting with the other people for our pizza to be delivered...yeah it is a different life here in South Africa..pizza and movies and hot water...I don't even know what to say really...oh yeah and internet...CRAZY

I left Tanzania on Monday. Wow, I was so sad that is all I can say. Thomas and Rutta took me to the airport which was nice but everything happened so fast I barely got to say goodbye which was sad. Then my flight didnt leave for a few hours and I started crying in the airport and people just stared at me :) whats wrong with you?? I was like..I'm sad...

Then my visa ran out in October for Tanzania so I was staying illegally in the country which is a problem I guess :) the guy said I couldn't read and stuff but finally let me through without paying a huge fine. The flight was really empty...got to South Africa..caught my next flight...empty again..no movies :( slept alot..still pretty sad..couldn't eat..got to namibia..the lady said I needed to know the address where I was staying..no idea..had to find miller..finally left the airpot :)

namibia was okay...but I was so sad and everything I saw was desert and I swear there are no people there...NONE at least compared to TZ so I didn't like that..stayed at Miller's friends place...pretty nice..two other people came for the night...still couldn't eat but miller made me grilled cheese..kind of :)

next day went into the city...so hot..went to an internet place and a craft market...okay..still couldn't eat and would cry randomly..:) got back..played cards with his friends..then took a 12 hour train to Miller's site...longest ride of my life :)

got there hiked in the sun with my bad for awhile..saw his place and showered...walked another 2 km thought I was going to die :) found a ride at the hitchhiking place..he was nice...got to Miller's friends place...went to an AIDS program and hung out there. The girl made stir fry which was wonderful!

Then the next day another friend came and the three of us hitchhiked for 24 hours with a crazy man in a semi truck to get to South Africa..wow..Miller says the guy wasn't sketchy but he was :) He was racist and homophobic and he smoked every 5 min and liked to tell us how he had been hijacked 4 times by gunpoint on the road we were on...finally got to Joberg...

Hung out at the place...fun...lots of cool people..met some new friends..one guy named brian who is from the US but he had been in TZ for 6 weeks. He was awesome and we talked for hours and hung out. Also some nice guys from New Zealand were here. Brian made me pasta for dinner..wonderful! Watched a movie...

Next day Brian and me went to a game park and saw giraffes...SO EXCITING...that was the only animal I didn't see in TZ that I wanted to see so I was happy..it was almost like a zoo..BUT..I saw my giraffe!!!! Then played some tennis and hung out

Today I went with this guy named Austin from Norway and Miller to the Apartheid Museum and to Nelson Mandelas house and stuff...really cool...long day though but fun and now we are waiting for some pizza...yummy! but we leave tomorrow night and get home tuesday afternoon :) Quite exciting I know..I had an amazing 5 months and I wish I could still be in TZ BUT since I can't cause of that little visa problem :) I am ready to come home cause Namibia isn't for me and the people in the peace corps I am with don't eat...okay...pizza time...write more later..


Saturday, December 09, 2006


Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to say a quick hello and send out a final email. Sorry but I only have 12 minutes left on my account for today so it will have to be quick!

I leave Tanzania to head to Namibia in two days. I leave for the airport at 7 am on Monday and I should be in Namibia chilling with Miller by 5 pm!

Things have been CRAZY lately. I guess that is what happens when you are preparing to leave a country after five months and you have finals and you maybe procrastinated your 15 page research paper till the last 1.5 weeks :) oops!

Things have been great though. Last night we had our final dance performance. It was fun because Rutta came and most of the LCCT group was in the performace. Anna and I also got our hair braided that morning in Mwenge. It took about 1.5 hours and sometimes it hurt :) but it only cost about 2 US dollars and we looked African for awhile! My hair is still braided but it is getting puffy :)so I might have to attempt to take the tiny braids out tonight or tomorrow before leaving..it might be a challenge but I have pictures don't worry :)

I can't wait to see everyone but I am also getting really sad to leave. I will miss Rutta and Lugano my roomie alot and the other LCCT students who I won't see till February. Well besides Amy who will be my Luther roomie now!

Otherwise I have just been busy trying to make up 15 pages of research about anorexia in TZ even though no one knows anything about it :) And packing and hanging out with people and dancing in my braids and grass skirt!

I think Miller and I will be getting to the US on the 19th of December :) that is if he can sneak me across South Africa :) It should be an adventure!

Otherwise everything has been great and I have lots of pictures and stories to tell when I get back! And we have had water now :) I know that is AMAZING!!!!! It has been so hot here that even the Tanzanians have been complaining..yeah that is SUPER HOT! I think all of us Americans are now the darkest we have ever been in our lives, but we can't tell because we still look super white compared to everyone else and we have seen each other everyday for the past 5 months so we can't notice the change but we think its there! Okay I have six minutes left :( but lets see...nothing else new...just meeting lots of people and having fun. Tomorrow the rest of my group leaves so that should be a crazy day and then I leave! EEEKK :) But I love you all lots and lots and I can't wait to see everyone in a few weeks!! See you and talk to you guys again in AMERICA :)well besides Miller..I will see and talk to you in TWO days :)
