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Posts direct from Tanzania during my 6 month study here.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Catching Up

Dear Everyone,

So I don't remember the last thing I wrote :) so sorry if I repeat anything or leave anything out :)

On Monday or Tuesday we went to an orphanage and then to a hospital. It was really interesting because at the hospital they had up to 8 people in a room and their families were responsible for bringing them food for meals. The orphanage was really fun. The kids were adorable! As soon as we came in they ran to us and wanted to be held and carried. This one boy I played with (pictures on facebook) started to cry when he thought i was leaving..but luckily we didn't leave for a little longer so it was okay for awhile.

Then we went to the crater. It was INCREDIBLE! (trying to use different adjectives :)) but no it really was. We saw hundreds of lions and zebras. The lions were right outside our windows. We had to roll our windows up so they didn't jump in! We also saw bamboons..adorable :) especially the baby ones and we saw a few elephants in the distance (anne i have a picture for your mom..though its kind of far away) and lots of other animals too. It was amazing..all of us kept this really happening!

Then on Thursday we left for a Shamba (spelling??) for 3 days. It was a lot of fun. We camped outside their showers..i forgot my toothbrush :) so no brushing teeth or washing face...wore the same clothes all three days..during the day and for bed :) we were sooo dirty when we got back today that we all took really long showers and i brushed my teeth a few times ;)

At the shamba we met and lived with the family there..they were sooo sweet..they have three little kids who are friendly! And we had amazing food and discussions with the village people who would come by at night. We also went to a primary school to do some work on the windows but when their only hammer broke we had nothing to do. Then Zach, Kristin, Wendi, and I decided to go into a classroom and start teaching English! The kids loved it and so did we. We taught them head, knees, and a few others..everyone was jumping around and laughing.

Then we went to a secondary school to talk to the students about HIV/AIDS. It was really interesting because students aren't supposed to talk about those things here, especially not at home. We expected the students to know more then us because it is such a big deal here but they didn't. The students thought that wearing condoms would kill the man, that only women had AIDS and only if they wore short skirts, and that open mouth kissing spread the disease. We tried to teach them some stuff, so that they could know how to really protect themselves.

At that school the boys were crazy! One told me that he loved me very much and that he would follow me to America. A few others gave marriage proposals to some of the girls :)

At night we had people from the village come over and talk about politics and life. It was one likes Bush :) and it was interesting to see the way the elders would argue..last night an argument went on for 30 min because our guide called the first president of Tanzania a dictator..and the elder got mad and they kept going back and forth in Swahili and we had no idea what was going on!

The family we stayed with was amazing! AMAZING. They truly welcomed us into their family..they threw flowers at us when we came and left as they screamed :) They gave us hugs and kisses and wanted pictures and email/home addresses. We were all so impressed with how they welcomed us. That is the amazing thing so far about Tanzania. Here everyone truly does consider everyone else to be their family and they treat them that way. Our guide Steven was telling us how they usually don't have uncles or aunts or cousins..everyone is a brother, sister, mother, or father. I really like that concept a lot!

Today was our only free day..after we got back from the Shamba. So we have all been packing, showering, emailing..etc. It has been relaxing :) Wendi and me got our dresses today from our homestay mom. They were so pretty. I absolutely love it. She picked out a green print with zebras for me and when we wear them we definitely feel like we are really from Tanzania! Now I want to have more dresses made before I leave and so do the other girls :)

Tomorrow we leave for Dar. It is about 8-9 hours there. We are taking a bus. We have been told that Dar has up to 4 million people which would be crazy compared to small town Albert Lea and Decorah! It will be fun to see where we will be living for the next 4 months though and to see the University. It is supposed to be really hot there and super crowded and busy!

I haven't got my pictures to work put on the web but I will try and send a few with this email! I love and miss you all alot and I will talk to you soon! Hope everything is well in America!!!



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